Abstract-- When connected to main power supply, inductionmotors run at their rated speed, however there are manyapplications where variable speed operations are required.Although a range ofinduction motor control techniques areavailable, generating variable frequency supply is a popularcontrol technique, having a constant voltage tofrequencyratio inorder to attain constant (maximum) torque throughout the operating period. This control technique is called as variable frequency control. The main aim of this honours degree project paper emphasizes on the development of a general purpose
universal board that is capable of controlling the speed of single or three phase induction motor with minor software and hardware modifications. The absolute system consists of the control, driver and the power circuits. The control circuit includes the power supply circuit and the microcontroller. The power circuit includes the full-bridge single-phase Pulse Width
Modulation inverter. Simulation was done using MATLAB Simulink software. The system was implemented, tested and the experimental results are examined and discussed.