The findings from table 3 revealed five different tourist perception levels of tourists’ perception of employees’ service quality in Tourism as follows: 1) “Tourist destination must be environment friendly,” was rated as number one with a mean of 4.78 and 0.991 SD 2) “Tourist destination must be unique in cultural heritage” was rated as number two with a mean of 4.56 and 0.878 SD. 3) “Tourist destination must offer food and beverage that are clean and hygienic” was rated as number three with a mean of 4.23 and 1.012 SD. 4) “Tourist destination must offer public restrooms that are sufficiency available” was rated as number four with a mean of 4.15 and 0.892 SD. 5) “Tourist destination must offer reasonable prices” was rated as number five with a mean of 3.89 and .589 SD.