particular figure, in this case a quotation about Heraclitus from Plato's dialogue the Cratylus.
Current Scholarly opinion holds that this account of Hiraclitus doctrine is in face falsification and tells us more about Plato than it does about Heraclitus.This complex history of mediation is one of the factors which make the interpretation of the Pre-Socratics so contentions . Like the Delphic oracle described by Heraclitus, their Philosophy neither say nor conceals, but give a sign (F26). And yet, the proposition put froth in this quotation that everything gives way has become the sound bite, as it were, of Heraclitean Philosophy. For the history of thiught from Socrates in the fifth century BCE to Jacques Derrida in the twenty-first century CE, Heraclitus legacy to Philosophy has been identified with the theory of flux expressed in this dubious testimonial. This insight into the constantly changing nature of the world is Heraclitus most influential contribution to philosophy.
One word that all three of the first fragments have in common inthe Greek Word logos translated here as principle. The history of ancient philosophy could be understood as an extended difinition and contestation of this one Greek word, whose very meaning intimately connected to word. Logos means what is said or story .By the time that Heraclitus was writing it had taken on a more technical meaning associated with mathematical ratio measure and calculation and by extension the domain of rationality more generally. To have a logos became synonymous with having a rational view of the world. Heraclitus seem to be deliberately exploiting this multiplicity of meaning For both Pre-Socratic Heraclitus and the New Testament, In the beginning was the word....
Heraclitus holds that logos is the primary principle which governs, the world. This logos seems at one and the same time to refer to Heraclitus own words - the emphasis on hearing lends Logos the sense of what is said - and a more generalized concept which transcends Heraclitus own account. This dictum holds for ever aand everything happens and accordance with it.