The anticipation is that both CSA producers and consumers will be more highly
educated, as the literature supports, with high incomes. The prediction is that the majority
of CSA producers will be motivated to participate within this particular food production
model for predominantly economic reasons, as CSA models have proven to be stable for
small-scale agricultural operations. The research predicts that the remaining motivations
for participation of CSA producers will be for environmental reasons, social/community
support, and lastly for health concerns, ranked respectively. On the other hand, the
researcher expects the motivation for CSA consumer participation to fall primarily
The anticipation is that both CSA producers and consumers will be more highlyeducated, as the literature supports, with high incomes. The prediction is that the majorityof CSA producers will be motivated to participate within this particular food productionmodel for predominantly economic reasons, as CSA models have proven to be stable forsmall-scale agricultural operations. The research predicts that the remaining motivationsfor participation of CSA producers will be for environmental reasons, social/communitysupport, and lastly for health concerns, ranked respectively. On the other hand, theresearcher expects the motivation for CSA consumer participation to fall primarily
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