1.Recognie the problem/issue
2.Deep and wide awareness for problem
3.Related to Policy/Target
4.Enough aknowledgment for current situation and fact finding
5.Enough aknowledgement for target
6.Have logical step for problem solving
7.Countermeasure is based on actual situation
8.Possitiveness for provlem solving
9.Idea has flexibility
10.Recognie the fact with higher level
11.Collect information widely
12.Have productive idea/opinion
13.Consciousness of cost
14.Have prospective idea
15.Try to encourage the self ability
16.Have responsibility
17.Talking manner with clearly or lively
18.Understand the question collectly
19.Explain in logical and consistent manner
20.Have self confindence
21.Explain with various wording and phrase
22.Leadership (enough awareness as leader)