Chapter 1
Cinderella is cleaning the floor
Narrator: Once upon a time in the far....far...away village. There is a little girl name "Cinderella" She lives with her ugly stepmother and two ugly stepmothers. They are always unkind to her. They make her work all day.
Stepsister 1 : Cinderella ! Come here.
Cinderella: What?
Stepsister 1 : Look this ! Why is there so mush dust.?
Cinderella : Where? Oh, i will clean it. Don't worry.
Stepsister 1 : Don't worry!!!! How dare you.?
Narrator : She is waving her hand to hit Cinderella
Cinderella : Oh, look at that. It's U.F.O.
Stepsister 1 : Where?
Narrator : Cinderella uses her broom pull Stepsister legs.
Stepsister 1 : Ouch! Cinderella!! Cinderella what wrong with you.?
Narrator : Suddenly stepmother and young stepsister come in and see stepsister on the floor.
Stepmother : What's happening Cinderella?
Cinderella : She just slipped the floor.
Stepmother : How dare you saying this? I saw you annoy my daughter.
Cinderella : Oh, I’m sorry. Pardon me.
Stepmother : Today you will die i will kill you.
Stepsister 2 : Oh! on on on, don't do that. I think don't feed her for 3 days.
Stepmother : Oh, very good idea.
Cinderella : Oh, No! No! Sorry. Don't do that. please.
Stepmother : too late for feeling sorry. It time to start feeling hungry. HA ha ha
Chapter 2