the rating curve of both rivers. The best-fit power law yields the
following Chengkung earthquake measurements for the Sinwulu
River: κ=6.97 ppm, and exponent b=1.44, with R2=0.760. Forcing
the scaling exponent b at the value of 1.06 does not significantly
reduce the quality of the fit, R2=0.725, but forces an upward shift of
the specific sediment concentration to κ=19.01 ppm. The best-fit
power law yields the following Taitung earthquake measurements
for the Luye River: κ=18.92 ppm, and exponent b=0.76, with
R2=0.691. Forcing the scaling exponent b at the value of 0.95
does not significantly reduce the quality of the fit, R2=0.609, but it
forces an upward shift of the specific sediment concentration to
κ=25.71 ppm. This facilitates a direct comparison of sediment concentration
measurements over the entire gauging interval. Consequently,
we use the value of 1.06 for the Sinwulu River and 0.95 for
the Luye River to back calculate the sediment concentrations at unit
water discharge (κstorm) using the rating curve with the measurements
taken during typhoon periods.
Total sediment discharge also includes