What Is Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal (Figure 7-1 on page 204) involves the identification, measure ment, and management of human performance in organizations. Identification means determining what areas of work the manager should be exa ing when measuring performance. Rational and legally defensible identifi requires a measurement system based on job analysis (Chapter 2). Thus, the a system should focus on performance that affects organizational success rather than formance-irrelevant characteristics such as race, age, or gender per-
Measurement, the centerpiece of the appraisal system, entails making managerial judg ments of how "good" or "bad" employee performance was. Good performance meas. urement must be consistent throughout the organization. That is, all managers in the organization must maintain comparable rating standards. Management is the overriding goal of any appraisal system. Appraisal should be more than a past-oriented activity that criticizes or praises workers for their performance in the preceding year. Rather, appraisal must take a future-oriented view of what workers can do to achieve their potential in the organization. This means that managers must provide workers with feedback and coach them to higher levels of performance.
What Is Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal (Figure 7-1 on page 204) involves the identification, measure ment, and management of human performance in organizations. Identification means determining what areas of work the manager should be exa ing when measuring performance. Rational and legally defensible identifi requires a measurement system based on job analysis (Chapter 2). Thus, the a system should focus on performance that affects organizational success rather than formance-irrelevant characteristics such as race, age, or gender per-Measurement, the centerpiece of the appraisal system, entails making managerial judg ments of how "good" or "bad" employee performance was. Good performance meas. urement must be consistent throughout the organization. That is, all managers in the organization must maintain comparable rating standards. Management is the overriding goal of any appraisal system. Appraisal should be more than a past-oriented activity that criticizes or praises workers for their performance in the preceding year. Rather, appraisal must take a future-oriented view of what workers can do to achieve their potential in the organization. This means that managers must provide workers with feedback and coach them to higher levels of performance.
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