In this work, a simple technological process for dry-cured Halal goat
meat elaboration was developed testing different salting times and the
addition of a natural covering. In general, both salting times and the addition
of an olive oil and paprika covering exhibited a significant effect
on physicochemical parameters and on microbial counts and diversity.
Microbiological analysis showed a reduction or absence of some kinds
of bacteria in samples subjected to a longer salting time (0.6 salting
days/kg). Moreover, the addition of the olive oil and paprika covering
led to a decrease in the counts of most of the studied microbial groups,
which could be explained as due to the antimicrobial effects of paprika.
Molecular analysis showed that staphylococci, especially S. xylosus and
S. equorum,were characterized as themost common naturally occurring
microbiota in all batches of dry-curedHalal goatmeat. Regarding the results
of the present study, it can be concluded that the best manufacturing
process would include a longer salting time (0.6 days/kg) and the
addition of the olive oil and paprika covering. Nevertheless, further
studies in order to evaluate the sensory quality of this product would
be necessary.