In terms of energy consumption, for the economic activities
induced by waterfront tourism, each one million Yuan of gross
output consumed 1.0 terajoules (TJ) of energy. In contrast, the unit
alue was 1.5 TJ for marine transportation, indicating that the
shipping industry was less energy efficient per million Yuan gross
output than tourism. The top three contributing sectors in the
local economy for marine transportation were ‘Traffic, Transport
and Storage’, ‘Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas’ and
Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing of Nuclear Fuel’taking up 83% of total energy consumption (with marine trans-
portation itself taking 57%); while for waterfront tourism, the top
three contributors were ‘Production and Supply of Electric Power and Heat Power’, ‘Traffic, Transport and Storage’ and ‘Leasing and
Business Services’, summing up to 74% of total energy