The wider universe beyond our own planet has fascinated people for centuries and as technology has improved, so has our understanding of it. From the raging fires of the Sun to the tiny dwarf planets of Pluto and Makemake billions of miles from Earth, our Solar System is full of incredible worlds and objects. This collection of short films provides you with a fascinating introduction to the wondrous universe we live in.
Instructions: Hover over a planet with the cursor of your mouse and a box will pop up. Click the 'play' icon to start the short film of your choice. If an object has a title on the picture below, then there is a film about it.
There is a video about each planet, as well as the Sun, the Moon, the Asteroid Belt and Comets. There is even a film about the tiny dwarf planet of Ceres, with its mysterious bright lights only recently discovered by NASA. I hope you enjoy these fascinating videos!