Pregnancy physiological changes and foetus’s nutritional needs elevate maternal energy requirements. If it cannot be provided sufficiently, fatigue will occur (Cahill 1999).
The results of this study revealed that about one-third of the women had severe fatigue at the onset of the active phase of labour.
Similar to our study, Tzeng et al. (2008) have also reported the highest fatigue-increasing rate in the active phase of labour. Fatigue in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is related to maternal weight gain, increased cardiac output, increased foetal weight and lack of sleep (Lee & DeJoseph 1992).
Pregnancy and childbirth make changes in the lifestyle of women, and some new psychological and biological experiences
happen during these periods.
Psychological changes are naturally associated with the physiological and hormonal changes that occur during a normal pregnancy.
Because of approaching to the delivery date, some anxieties may emerge (Cinar et al. 2007).
Fatigue is affected by various factors that naturally occur, such as production of metabolites, changes in energy level and energy-producing enzymes, activity/rest pattern, sleep/wake-up pattern, social status, lifestyle, psychological
condition, environmental factors, diseases and their severity and methods of treatment (Cinar et al. 2007,Rosenthal et al. 2008).
In this study, exclusion criteria included the history of medical diseases, psychological disorders and any complications
during pregnancy and childbirth. The results of assessing of the correlation between the demographic information
and pregnancy with fatigue showed that among all of the controlled demographic characteristics, fatigue levels were
only associated with age (p = 0Æ039). So fatigue was higher in younger women. In addition, there is no significant correlation between birth weight, prenatal care and wanted/unwanted pregnancy with fatigue levels and intensity.
Our results showed that the F/R ratio increases with increase in fatigue severity (p = 0Æ026). Studies have shown
that the pattern of uterine contractions is different in the women with normal vaginal delivery than in those with CS
because of the lack of labour progress and that the fall time of contractions is shorter in vaginal delivery (Driggers et al.
2001, Althaus et al. 2006). The most common cause of poor progress of labour is inadequate uterine contractions
(El-Hamamy&Arulkumaran2005)because foetalhead station and cervical dilation are two main physiological parameters by
which the progress of labour is evaluated, and uterine contractions make both of them increase (Luria et al. 2009).
Muscle fatigue increases the probability of ischaemia. Changes in fibro-muscle permeability decrease the speed of
ion conduction (when the motor neuron activates, electrochemical events will be occur. Exit of potassium through the
membrane increases the permeability of ionic membrane to sodium. This activity can potentially spread throughout all
the muscle fibres). Fibro-muscle conduction velocity is not only affected by ischaemia, but also created by the imbalance
between sodium and potassium ions and low muscle temperature,which reduces the conduction velocity of muscle fibres
(Mayberry et al. 1999).In this study, the length of the first stage of labour was longer in the women with higher fatigue level. It is possible that some factors that cause a prolonged labour make more maternal fatigue, and the F / R ratio is greater in these cases. In our study, the women in the CS group expressed more fatigue than those in the vaginal delivery group (p < 0Æ001). Similarly, Chien & Ko (2004) reported more caesarean deliveries in women with higher fatigue scores (p < 0Æ001). The decision for CS depends on several factors, but mother’s tolerance and energy level are considered as important factors. In this study, less number of samples is a limitation but it helped the researchers to show high-quality control of interfering variables. Fatigue during pregnancy may negatively affect pushing and tolerating labour pain by decreasing the maternal effectiveness. Therefore, the women who are more tired may choose CS or the caregivers may recommend it to them (Chien & Ko 2004). Also, normal and abnormal factors that are the causes of CS and abnormal uterine contractions might be the reasons for fatigue, but more studies in this topic seem necessary (Althaus et al. 2006).
In our study, 89Æ9% of the samples were housewives. Doing housework and taking care of children without psychosocial support lead to maternal fatigue (Hung et al.2002). As this fatigue is repeated and continues every day, so it may turn into chronic fatigue. Acute fatigue has a protective role owing to the avoidance of harmful activities while, owing to poor ttention paid to chronic fatigue because, it has fewer acute complications, so it can be more dangerous (Cinar et al. 2007).
There are two types of fatigue, central and peripheral. Central fatigue occurs when the nerve messages are transferred
from the central nervous system to the environment and enough muscle contractions do not happen. Furthermore,
it can be caused by sleep disturbances and neurological disorders or sepsis. Central fatigue is associated with physiological
sleepiness. (Mayberry et al. 1999).According to the result of the study, there is no significant correlation between the rates of sleep (especially less than sixhours sleep during the 48 hours before of the admission) and fatigue (p = 0Æ83).
Sleep disorder is exacerbated during the pregnancy and affect a large number of pregnant women (Suri et al. 2009).
In this study, 18Æ3% of the pregnant women expressed less than six hours of sleep during 48 hours. Sleep disorder is an
important problem during the pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Researchers have found that the quality of
sleep is deteriorated over the last five days of pregnancy, and the lowest quality is on the night before hospitalisation. They concluded that there was a significant relationship between the amount of sleep during the night before hospital
admission and pain sensation in the women whose labour has started spontaneously (Beebe & Lee 2007). Peripheral muscle fatigue is caused by constantly stretching of muscle fibres (Mayberry et al. 1999). Fatigue is a common aspect of pregnant women’s life, and the highest level of fatigue appears at the delivery time that may affect on the uterine
contraction pattern and quality, the length of labour and the mode of delivery. It may, finally, result in bad outcomes in both mother and infant. Therefore, this aspect of health should be diagnosed as soon as possible. Women should be screened for fatigue in the prenatal period, and a structured plan for regular physical activity such as aerobic exercise and walking should be trained (Rosenthal et al. 2008).
Pregnancy physiological changes and foetus’s nutritional needs elevate maternal energy requirements. If it cannot be provided sufficiently, fatigue will occur (Cahill 1999). The results of this study revealed that about one-third of the women had severe fatigue at the onset of the active phase of labour. Similar to our study, Tzeng et al. (2008) have also reported the highest fatigue-increasing rate in the active phase of labour. Fatigue in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is related to maternal weight gain, increased cardiac output, increased foetal weight and lack of sleep (Lee & DeJoseph 1992).Pregnancy and childbirth make changes in the lifestyle of women, and some new psychological and biological experienceshappen during these periods. Psychological changes are naturally associated with the physiological and hormonal changes that occur during a normal pregnancy. Because of approaching to the delivery date, some anxieties may emerge (Cinar et al. 2007). Fatigue is affected by various factors that naturally occur, such as production of metabolites, changes in energy level and energy-producing enzymes, activity/rest pattern, sleep/wake-up pattern, social status, lifestyle, psychologicalcondition, environmental factors, diseases and their severity and methods of treatment (Cinar et al. 2007,Rosenthal et al. 2008).In this study, exclusion criteria included the history of medical diseases, psychological disorders and any complicationsduring pregnancy and childbirth. The results of assessing of the correlation between the demographic informationand pregnancy with fatigue showed that among all of the controlled demographic characteristics, fatigue levels wereonly associated with age (p = 0Æ039). So fatigue was higher in younger women. In addition, there is no significant correlation between birth weight, prenatal care and wanted/unwanted pregnancy with fatigue levels and intensity.Our results showed that the F/R ratio increases with increase in fatigue severity (p = 0Æ026). Studies have shownthat the pattern of uterine contractions is different in the women with normal vaginal delivery than in those with CSbecause of the lack of labour progress and that the fall time of contractions is shorter in vaginal delivery (Driggers et al.2001, Althaus et al. 2006). The most common cause of poor progress of labour is inadequate uterine contractions(El-Hamamy&Arulkumaran2005)because foetalhead station and cervical dilation are two main physiological parameters bywhich the progress of labour is evaluated, and uterine contractions make both of them increase (Luria et al. 2009).Muscle fatigue increases the probability of ischaemia. Changes in fibro-muscle permeability decrease the speed ofion conduction (when the motor neuron activates, electrochemical events will be occur. Exit of potassium through themembrane increases the permeability of ionic membrane to sodium. This activity can potentially spread throughout allthe muscle fibres). Fibro-muscle conduction velocity is not only affected by ischaemia, but also created by the imbalance
between sodium and potassium ions and low muscle temperature,which reduces the conduction velocity of muscle fibres
(Mayberry et al. 1999).In this study, the length of the first stage of labour was longer in the women with higher fatigue level. It is possible that some factors that cause a prolonged labour make more maternal fatigue, and the F / R ratio is greater in these cases. In our study, the women in the CS group expressed more fatigue than those in the vaginal delivery group (p < 0Æ001). Similarly, Chien & Ko (2004) reported more caesarean deliveries in women with higher fatigue scores (p < 0Æ001). The decision for CS depends on several factors, but mother’s tolerance and energy level are considered as important factors. In this study, less number of samples is a limitation but it helped the researchers to show high-quality control of interfering variables. Fatigue during pregnancy may negatively affect pushing and tolerating labour pain by decreasing the maternal effectiveness. Therefore, the women who are more tired may choose CS or the caregivers may recommend it to them (Chien & Ko 2004). Also, normal and abnormal factors that are the causes of CS and abnormal uterine contractions might be the reasons for fatigue, but more studies in this topic seem necessary (Althaus et al. 2006).
In our study, 89Æ9% of the samples were housewives. Doing housework and taking care of children without psychosocial support lead to maternal fatigue (Hung et al.2002). As this fatigue is repeated and continues every day, so it may turn into chronic fatigue. Acute fatigue has a protective role owing to the avoidance of harmful activities while, owing to poor ttention paid to chronic fatigue because, it has fewer acute complications, so it can be more dangerous (Cinar et al. 2007).
There are two types of fatigue, central and peripheral. Central fatigue occurs when the nerve messages are transferred
from the central nervous system to the environment and enough muscle contractions do not happen. Furthermore,
it can be caused by sleep disturbances and neurological disorders or sepsis. Central fatigue is associated with physiological
sleepiness. (Mayberry et al. 1999).According to the result of the study, there is no significant correlation between the rates of sleep (especially less than sixhours sleep during the 48 hours before of the admission) and fatigue (p = 0Æ83).
Sleep disorder is exacerbated during the pregnancy and affect a large number of pregnant women (Suri et al. 2009).
In this study, 18Æ3% of the pregnant women expressed less than six hours of sleep during 48 hours. Sleep disorder is an
important problem during the pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Researchers have found that the quality of
sleep is deteriorated over the last five days of pregnancy, and the lowest quality is on the night before hospitalisation. They concluded that there was a significant relationship between the amount of sleep during the night before hospital
admission and pain sensation in the women whose labour has started spontaneously (Beebe & Lee 2007). Peripheral muscle fatigue is caused by constantly stretching of muscle fibres (Mayberry et al. 1999). Fatigue is a common aspect of pregnant women’s life, and the highest level of fatigue appears at the delivery time that may affect on the uterine
contraction pattern and quality, the length of labour and the mode of delivery. It may, finally, result in bad outcomes in both mother and infant. Therefore, this aspect of health should be diagnosed as soon as possible. Women should be screened for fatigue in the prenatal period, and a structured plan for regular physical activity such as aerobic exercise and walking should be trained (Rosenthal et al. 2008).
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