1. After login on BES console, Jane creates a new group for the new department.
Expectation: Jane successfully adds a new group without issue.
2. Jane adds users to group follow list assignment.
Expectation: All users in list added to the new group successful.
3. In order, this group must controlled by IT policy but Jane forgot it. Jane will edit this group and add IT policy.
Expectation: She could edit IT policy with this group without issue.
4. After Jane check an assignment, Jane must prepare applications ( LINE and FACEBOOK ) for this group.
Expectation: Jane could assign apps to group completed without error.
5. Afternoon, Manager call phone to Jane about edit detail in request. He wants to remove some user from this group.
Expectation: Jane could remove some user successful.
6. Jane wants to recheck all requests in BES console. She didn’t get bad feedback form her work.
Expectation: She could open detail about this group and make sure everything in detail is correct.