The table 1. represents GIS data layers its associate attributes and sources of data. The GIS data layers were
collected from the existing databases, digitization of paper map and satellite data as follows:
- The geologic map developed by Department of Mineral Resource (1982) at 1:250,000 scale was digitally
encoded in the GIS database.
- The ground water quality and its yield, acquired from the Department of Mineral Resource (1989) at 1:100,000
scale were digitally established.
- The land form maps were prepared using topographic map (1:50,000) and Landsat TM imagery. The maps
were digitized. The land form databases were entered into the GIS.
The land cover maps, based on vegetation density were performed using Landsat TM data taken in 2002. The
vegetation density was visually estimated by the geo-referenced Landsat TM data to establish the land cover. This
was categorized into three classes of density: sparse, moderate and dense.
The table 1. represents GIS data layers its associate attributes and sources of data. The GIS data layers werecollected from the existing databases, digitization of paper map and satellite data as follows:- The geologic map developed by Department of Mineral Resource (1982) at 1:250,000 scale was digitallyencoded in the GIS database.- The ground water quality and its yield, acquired from the Department of Mineral Resource (1989) at 1:100,000scale were digitally established.- The land form maps were prepared using topographic map (1:50,000) and Landsat TM imagery. The mapswere digitized. The land form databases were entered into the GIS.The land cover maps, based on vegetation density were performed using Landsat TM data taken in 2002. Thevegetation density was visually estimated by the geo-referenced Landsat TM data to establish the land cover. Thiswas categorized into three classes of density: sparse, moderate and dense.
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