Sun in the Fifth House
Sun in the fifth house of the composite chart is one of the best positions for a sexual relationship. It is also the house of creativity, children, self-expression, amusement, and good times in general. The Sun in the fifth house gives a strong emphasis to any of these elements.
In a personal relationship, a composite fifth-house Sun implies that your relationship will give you good opportunities for self-expression, for being yourself and enjoying it.
This is a good position for friendship because it indicates a light-hearted relationship in which you genuinely enjoy each other's company.
In a relationship with this placement, you must give each other room to be what you are.
Sun Conjunct Mercury
The conjunction of composite Sun and Mercury signifies that there will be a great deal of mental activity in this relationship. This aspect is good for verbal communication between you.
You both should be wary of the tendency to intellectualize your emotions rather than deal with them at the gut level.
You have an unusual similarity of thinking, or at least a better than average ability to understand each other's thinking.
Mercury is a planet of travel, not always in the literal sense of the word, but in the metaphorical sense; that is, you like to be continually exposed to new ideas and experiences together.
One of the most positive attributes of this aspect is the ability to be detached from what you are discussing. Because of this detachment you may even be able to talk about your relationship and arrive at understandings that will help you both to get more out of it.
Sun Opposition Saturn
Sun opposition Saturn in the composite chart presents real problems: temperaments so different as to cause difficulties, a tendency to work against rather than with each other, a tendency for one of you to inhibit and limit the other unnecessarily, and excessive criticism of each other.
It is possible for a relationship with this configuration to survive, but several conditions must be met. First, criticism must be limited to really important problems. Second, the relationship should be open enough so that you can get away from each other in your daily lives and lessen the tension between you. Third, the two of you must broaden your viewpoints and become more tolerant of what you reject in each other. And fourth, you must have feelings of genuine love or friendship for each other.
Moon in the Tenth House
The composite Moon in the tenth house indicates that you will share a concern for getting ahead in life. You both want to get somewhere, and you feel that together you can do it better than you could separately.
However, in a personal relationship, one factor must be kept in mind. Having an important element of the chart in the tenth house indicates that you tend to see things too much in terms of externals. The Moon, representing the feelings and emotions, is particularly damaged by this tendency, because the feeling aspect of a relationship should be an internal concern.
There is a danger that you will look to factors in the outside world to explain problems that arise between you. You may look out when you should look in.
In general, the tenth house is a good position for the composite Moon because it also gives the relationship a dynamic, active quality that can prevent stagnation.
Venus in the Fifth House
Composite Venus in the fifth house is one of the stronger indications that this will be a relationship of love or, at the very least, friendship.
It denotes a relationship between two people who really enjoy being together and who make each other feel good. You will share a great love of pleasure and doing things together.
The fifth-house Venus is a light-hearted position. Perhaps its only real flaw is that it does not provide the energy needed for a serious day-to-day relationship. If you can overcome this lack of seriousness, a fifth-house Venus guarantees that this will be a pleasant and loving relationship for both of you.