- HOW MANY THREATENED BIRD SPECIES IN YOUR COUNTRY HAVE BENEFITTED FROM BIRDLIFE ACTION BETWEEN 2013 AND NOW (BASELINE) OR WILL HAVE BENEFITTED BY 2020 (TARGET)? Guidance - This could include your organisation advocating, supporting and implementing action that is likely to have reduced threats, increased populations and slowed declines, for example: supporting the development or implementation of a species action plan, and being part of an active species conservation group or project. The list of species presented here is drawn from the Red List assessment and country occurrence data maintained by BirdLife and presented in the BirdLife Data Zone and the IUCN Red List website. Globally threatened bird species are those categorized as Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN) or Critically Endangered (CR) by IUCN / BirdLife International. Species that have been assigned these threat categories only