aDiffusion coefficients are D1 5 1.57 3 1029 m2 s21 (NaCl) [Stokes, 1950]; D2 5 5.53 3 10210 m2 s21 (sucrose) [Gosting and Morris, 1949];
cell height h 5 31 cm; concentration difference Dc1 5 0.01088 kg kg21; kinematic viscosity v 5 1.025 3 1026 m2 s21 [Weast, 1977]; g 5
9.81 (sin 258) m s22 (the angle of the cell was 258 to horizontal); solute expansion coefficients (b) for NaCl and sucrose are 20.755 and 20.415,
respectively [Weast, 1977]. The values of the solutal Rayleigh numbers Rsi reported by Cooper et al. [1997] are based upon l, an initial vertical
length scale representation of local gradients that is intrinsic to the onset of convection. NA means fingers did not reach the horizontal boundaries
in this experiment.
bDye concentration, 0.125 g kg21 in NaCl solution.
cDye concentration, 0.125 g kg21 in sucrose solution.