Well..I completed 02 months of my journey today with Traffichubb since it was launched on 01 Mar. I feel really happy and thank myself that i had chosen a company where owners Ravi Kirran and Hassaan Ahmed are down to earth and honest and who really care about their affiliates in letter and spirit.
In just 2 months, I have withdrawn close to $7500 as payout and everyday i am breaking my own records everyday in terms no of referrals, share earnings, commission earnings and active shares. It is happening because of me and my team's rock solid trust on Traffichubb. I can say proudly that Traffichubb is changing my life everyday.
Now, i am on a mission to Traffichubb the No.1 Rev share in the world in coming days by making it viral in many ways like posting the payment screenshot in my fb wall every day, conducting hang outs around the world and helping my team members to duplicate the success for themselves like me.
Truly,, the game is on and lets play it harder !!