This is a responsive listening assessment for elementary school English language learners. This assessment could be informal or formal depends on how the test is given. It is a responsive listening task because students need to listen a short stretch of language such as greeting and simple question and trying to find a right response (answer) out of the choices from a list. This assessment is somewhat practical because it is multiple choice questions and if you click the “Final Score” it will give the score which means the teachers do not need to grade them. However, if the class does not have computers this assessment would not be very practical. This assessment is authentic because in daily life in English spoken countries use this kind of questions when people greet each other. One of the limitations of this assessment is that this assessment assesses the students’ listening skills by choosing the right answer from a list (reading). The students could understand the questions but if he/she is not good at reading then there is a good possibility that the student will miss the right answer.