My favorite thing is to go home to eat rice crafts mom, dad, I'm going home mom cook to eat a lot and eat together four people I like to talk at dinner and fun, but parents will also be on my regular time. I do not eat much, but I like it a happy time, even on my home very happy to eat with the other evening after dinner is finished, parents are invited to play mom and I talk. Let's just like talking to parents throughout this trip was talking like this all day, I was very happy to be back home with my parents, brothers, brothers-in home page. With just laugh every day, sometimes parents go to work just like I go out to buy something to sit and eat home and was known to sit and eat together every day I was like, Let's go to sleep. The four provinces that we have a nice time to visit this country had to walk kids to buy candy for kids to leave here with a lot of grandparents.