„Little rascal, you looked that fights taking advantage of the place makes into this unexpectedly, you then killed me.” Lan Cang runs over, is shouting to Chen Xiang, on the face looks distressed, probably is worrying about anything.
„Kills you? This place was ruins, what had at the worst?” Chen Xiang places ground stupor Ji Meixian, then fed her one grain to return Life Pill, making her restore to be quicker.
„His mother, I also knows that this broken place, I already do not want to destroy completely at the worst, but I have promised others, must help him safeguard here, does not want here to be ruined, because here is the place that he was born.” Lan Cang stared Chen Xiang one, grabs to walk back and forth by that pit.
„Filled in that's alright , you were a dragon , this matter could not baffle your.” Chen Xiang said with a smile, now he has not known the gravity of matter.
Is that person who „you said Wu Canghong? I know him, if he blames, you said that is that's alright that I make.”
Here is antique sacred place, is person royal family's the place of origin, therefore Chen Xiang thinks.
„Fart, can Wu Canghong this kid also direct me? His grandfather's grandfather's grandfather saw me to me kowtow!” The Lan Cang words daunted Chen Xiang.
The Wu Canghong strength is not weak, hundredth thousand(s) year ago went to Heaven World, the present strength can be imagined, moreover same practices Divine Dao with him, definitely also has certain status in Heaven World.
„Who is that can direct the brother you?” Chen Xiang has planned to sneak off, this antique sacred place had many secrets, only then here is safe, moreover here is similar to a macrocosm, has very terrifying place in the deep place.
„Wu Canghong his ancestor!” Lan Cang is cloudy the face, that eye blue light twinkling, looks at Chen Xiang gloomily.
Chen Xiang quickly on the association to something, according to the words that Lan Cang spoke, a that anything person of royal family, it is estimated that was an ancient influence, these was the same with Secret Family! Why before he was strange in Mortal Martial World not to have the ancient influence, actually had, was that King Continent person royal family, now he understands that these bloodline Martial Artist so were why formidable.
„That asked the brother to apologize to him for me.” Chen Xiang says with a smile reluctantly.
„I what to do?” Lan Cang said ill-humoredly.
„He also living words, the strength is definitely strong, naturally cannot pay attention to this minor matter, he will certainly not investigate your.” Chen Xiang said.
„Nonsense, that old fogy most liked being calculating, what or did I fear?” Lan Cang felt that a parade is big, early knows that he does not borrow the place to hit to Chen Xiang, or rushes to other place him.