3.3. Outcome measurements3.3.1. DSS vs. analgesicsThree RCTs tested the effects of DSS compared to analgesicsin women with dysmenorrhea [31–33]. Three RCTs showed afavourable effect of DSS in response rate. A meta-analysis alsoshowed favourable effects (n = 395, RR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.06 to 1.63,P = 0.01) with high heterogeneity (I2= 73%) (Fig. 3).3.3.2. DSS vs. placeboOne study compared the effects of DSS with placebo treatmenton pain on VAS and total consumption of diclofenac sodium [34].The results showed favourable effects of DSS on both outcome mea-sures.3.3.3. Adverse events (AEs)Only one trial assessed AEs [32], reporting abdominal pain andnausea as AEs that occurred in the conventional medicine group.The other three trials did not assessed AEs. No trials assessed QoLas an outcome.