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L is for LawlessL staat voor Leugens
Auteur Sue Grafton
Uitgegeven 1995
Pagina's 304
Oorspronkelijke taal Engels
Dit Boekverslag
4.1 / 10
13 stemmen van bezoekers
5e klas havo
anoniemEN2685 woorden2041 keer
127 deze maand17 september 2003
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This book is about a woman named Kinsey Millhone. She’s a licensed private investigator. She’s twice divorced and lives in Santa Teresa, California. Her landlord is Henry Pitts. Henry is a retired baker. His Brother William is going to marry her friend Rosie on Thanksgiving Day.
It was Thursday a week before thanksgiving; Henry came to Kinsey to tell her that one of their neighbors had died of a hearth attack 4 to 5 months ago. His name was Mr. Lee, but they used to call him Johnny. Johnny lived with his grandson Bucky and his wife Babe.
Henry told Kinsey that he ran into Bucky a while ago and that he told him that he had a problem. The problem was that Johnny didn’t want a funeral, but he wanted to be cremated, which was done right away. But then it occurred to him that Johnny was entitled to a military burial. Henry said that he guessed that Johnny was a fighter pilot during world war two, part of the American Volunteer Group under Claire Chennault.