Once upon a time in a land far, far away there lived
a princess named Melissa. She was beautiful but very
lonely since her father kept her locked away in her
room in the castle. She dreamed about being rescued
by a handsome K-Pop star like the ones she saw on TV,
but since she lived in Nowhereistan, not Korea, she
had no hope. Every night she would pray to her secret
K-Pop DVD collection that the maid snuck in for her.
After 3 years she decided she must escape and go to
Korea. Her father loved her, but was afraid she would
mary some man who would just have fun and then leave
her. This was because her father was a Don Juan when
he was young and he thought ALL men are like that.
To escape, Melissa needed a plan. Her room was on
the third floor, but there was a shed below with a
thatch roof. Her window had an iron bar blocking it,
but her maid had baked a file into a cake for her.
What can Melissa use for rope to go from her room to
the roof of the shed?