A meth od for stage extraction of cap saicinoids and red pigme nts from fresh red pe ppers (FRPs) was
developed in this work . Firstly, cap saicino ids were extracted from FRPs withou t any dry ing process by
40% e 50% ethan ol. Then red colorants withou t piquancy were extracted from t he residues af ter removal
of ca psaicino ids using 95 % ethan ol as solvent wi th the cond itions of 90 C of temperature of water bath,
4 mL/g of ratio of solvent to ma terial and 120 mi n of extraction tim e. The yield of red pigments were
89.8% of total content of red colorants in FRPs, which is about 2.2 times that of dry red pepp ers (DRPs )
dried from equivalent FRP s. Comp ared with convention al meth ods, the new processes were simple, but
gave a high yield of red pigme nts wit hout remain of toxic solvent