Solar energy, as the most important basic energy of all
sorts of renewable ones, is the most important abundant
permanent resources on the earth. Compared with the
conventional energy, solar energy has many advantages as
following: inexhaustible, clean, safe, reliable and pollution
free. And at the same time, there are two main deficiencies
in this renewable energy. The first one is dispersion, which
is caused by the low solar energy flux density. Near the
tropic of cancer, the mean solar energy flux density is
200Wper day, but only half of that in winter and about 1/5
of that in cloudy day. Therefore, in the utilization of solar
energy, it is necessary to provide a set of collection and
conversion equipment with large area to get enough
switching power, but the cost is high. Another disadvantage
of solar energy is discontinuity and instability, and it is
caused by the natural conditions, such as day and night,
season, geographic latitude and altitude, and it is influenced
by the random factors, such as the weather. So the
discontinuous and unstable solar irradiance will increase
the difficulty to the large-scale application of solar energy
Solar energy, as the most important basic energy of allsorts of renewable ones, is the most important abundantpermanent resources on the earth. Compared with theconventional energy, solar energy has many advantages asfollowing: inexhaustible, clean, safe, reliable and pollutionfree. And at the same time, there are two main deficienciesin this renewable energy. The first one is dispersion, whichis caused by the low solar energy flux density. Near thetropic of cancer, the mean solar energy flux density is200Wper day, but only half of that in winter and about 1/5of that in cloudy day. Therefore, in the utilization of solarenergy, it is necessary to provide a set of collection andconversion equipment with large area to get enoughswitching power, but the cost is high. Another disadvantageof solar energy is discontinuity and instability, and it iscaused by the natural conditions, such as day and night,season, geographic latitude and altitude, and it is influencedby the random factors, such as the weather. So thediscontinuous and unstable solar irradiance will increasethe difficulty to the large-scale application of solar energy[6,8,9].
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