3. Conclusions
It is widely accepted that in a comprehensive occupational safety
program that addresses psychological, social, engineering, and
organizational concerns, the inclusion of effective behavior-change
processes can further promote worker safety and health. The purpose
of this paper was not to compare or evaluate the effectiveness of
behavior-change processes relative to other safety controls methods.
Instead, areas of research were highlighted to ultimately assist the
safety practitioner in making evidence-based selections of the most
appropriate and effective behavioral interventions when indeed they
are deemed necessary. When available, exemplar references to studies
were provided as springboards to future follow up studies. Hopefully,
this paper will help researchers conceptualize and organize the various
topics of behavioral safety research into a coherent framework that is
tied specifically to common intervention processes. If only a portion of
these topic areas and research questions are addressed through
systematic reviews, surveys, field interventions, and laboratorybased
studies, the knowledge gained will significantly improve the
delivery and effectiveness of behavioral safety interventions and thus
their impact on worker health and safety.
3. ConclusionsIt is widely accepted that in a comprehensive occupational safetyprogram that addresses psychological, social, engineering, andorganizational concerns, the inclusion of effective behavior-changeprocesses can further promote worker safety and health. The purposeof this paper was not to compare or evaluate the effectiveness ofbehavior-change processes relative to other safety controls methods.Instead, areas of research were highlighted to ultimately assist thesafety practitioner in making evidence-based selections of the mostappropriate and effective behavioral interventions when indeed theyare deemed necessary. When available, exemplar references to studieswere provided as springboards to future follow up studies. Hopefully,this paper will help researchers conceptualize and organize the varioustopics of behavioral safety research into a coherent framework that istied specifically to common intervention processes. If only a portion ofthese topic areas and research questions are addressed throughsystematic reviews, surveys, field interventions, and laboratorybasedstudies, the knowledge gained will significantly improve thedelivery and effectiveness of behavioral safety interventions and thustheir impact on worker health and safety.
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