Acknowledged the presentation by the WCO Secretariat on the work on ‘Trader
Identification Number (TIN)’. The SWG recognized the significance of TIN in the AEO
MRA context and decided to continue the work intersessionally on several aspects by
setting up a virtual Working Group. Interested members are requested to inform the
Secretariat regarding their participation in the Group by 31 October 2014.
Took note of the update by the WCO Secretariat on the development of the
Coordinated Border Management Compendium, in particular in the context of Pillar 3
of the SAFE FoS 2015.
Noted the remarks made by the WCO Deputy Director Procedures and Facilitation
wherein she thanked both the Co-Chairs and delegates for the extensive work done
and for their active participation. She appreciated Customs and private sector
delegates working closely together and enriching the discussions.
Took note of the closing remarks of the Co-Chair from the PSCG who among others
commended the SWG for its amount of work, in particular the finalization of the work
on the SAFE review proposals, the revised SAFE WG ToR, the Customs-Business
Partnership Guidance and the draft Recommendation on Data Quality. In terms of
other key highlights of the meeting, she mentioned the discussions on implementation
of AEO MRA, air cargo security and updates on Members’ initiatives.
Took note of the Customs Co-Chair’s closing remarks wherein he strongly endorsed
the quality of the work done and the spirit of moving from cooperation to collaboration
in terms of Customs and private sector working together. He suggested to explore the
possibility of holding back to back meetings of the SWG and the PTC. He also saw a
bigger role of the WCO regions in inviting the private sector to regional DG’s meetings.
He further thanked all delegates and the WCO Secretariat for their contributions and
closed the meeting.
Acknowledged the presentation by the WCO Secretariat on the work on ‘Trader
Identification Number (TIN)’. The SWG recognized the significance of TIN in the AEO
MRA context and decided to continue the work intersessionally on several aspects by
setting up a virtual Working Group. Interested members are requested to inform the
Secretariat regarding their participation in the Group by 31 October 2014.
Took note of the update by the WCO Secretariat on the development of the
Coordinated Border Management Compendium, in particular in the context of Pillar 3
of the SAFE FoS 2015.
Noted the remarks made by the WCO Deputy Director Procedures and Facilitation
wherein she thanked both the Co-Chairs and delegates for the extensive work done
and for their active participation. She appreciated Customs and private sector
delegates working closely together and enriching the discussions.
Took note of the closing remarks of the Co-Chair from the PSCG who among others
commended the SWG for its amount of work, in particular the finalization of the work
on the SAFE review proposals, the revised SAFE WG ToR, the Customs-Business
Partnership Guidance and the draft Recommendation on Data Quality. In terms of
other key highlights of the meeting, she mentioned the discussions on implementation
of AEO MRA, air cargo security and updates on Members’ initiatives.
Took note of the Customs Co-Chair’s closing remarks wherein he strongly endorsed
the quality of the work done and the spirit of moving from cooperation to collaboration
in terms of Customs and private sector working together. He suggested to explore the
possibility of holding back to back meetings of the SWG and the PTC. He also saw a
bigger role of the WCO regions in inviting the private sector to regional DG’s meetings.
He further thanked all delegates and the WCO Secretariat for their contributions and
closed the meeting.
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