Abstract This study of Sustainable Mangrove Forest Rehabilitation in Thailand is based on
four case studies on communities that have outstandingly achieved of their planned actions
and have subsequently been recognized and got the Green Globe Award. Recently, all of them
were faced with degradation of their mangrove forests and coastal marine life habitat resulting
in a decline in each community’s wellbeing. However, they have been fortunate to have
someone that provided them with ideas that have later encouraged them to come together and
act jointly to address this common problem. Once they achieved their original goal, they did
not stop and still today they continue to extend their development initiatives to cover other
areas. They have now become a ‘living’ learning center on the natural resource management
for youth and other communities (local and overseas), who are interested in effective local
know-how. This success has been recognized as being founded on the following main
principles: strong leadership, people’s active participation, highlighting local wisdom, and allencompassing
management that is meant for the improved quality of life for the whole
community. Through the process of working together, these local people have acquired the
ownership commitment and the endearment for their local resources and today are ready to
protect and conserve them to the best of their capacity.