Dear Harold,
This is to confirm closing of the Residences Project takeover by Kin Services (Thailand) Ltd. (“KST”) from Coryla Ltd., effective as of 1 July 2015. From said date onwards, KST has become lessee of the underlying land from Malaiwana Resort Ltd. as well as owner/operator of the Residences Project in its own right. Coryla Ltd., on the other hand, has completely phased out and has no further business nor interest whatsoever in the Residences Project as of said date. Please therefore proceed to inform/notify relevant third parties accordingly.
As to MPD, which is in the process of being renamed to Independence Project Managements Ltd. effective 10 July 2015, KST has agreed to engage its project management services until completion of the Residences Project. Khun Pimala will be happy to explain all relevant details as well as the way forward to you. As far as MPD and yourself are concerned, you are now working under a new contract with KST (and no longer with Coryla/Grouet) as from 1 July 2015 (although your personal contract with MPD remains unchanged).
As regards all post-closing matters (many of which are yet to be completed), Pimala and I and yourself will be the driving force under the guidance and supervision of the shareholders.
Yours truly,