Online learning or E-learning is the alternative method of study via internet without a physical classroom and shows a significant growth over a few years. Self-Paced learning trend seems to be globally accept which measured by the revenue of the distance learning market that reached $35.5 billion in 2011 and tend to be increased by 7.6% approximately each year. As the following, the market is predicted that the revenues should reach $51.5 billion in 2016. However, with to the growing trend nowadays not mean online learning is the obvious choice and it has both advantages and disadvantages. According to the survey in 2005 and 2016, it is appeared that over half of the respondents agreed with the statement about the discipline that highly needed in order to succeed in Online learning courses. Next, Cincinnati Public Schools Virtual High School offers a student-friendly credit recovery system with a flexibility to work with their students privately and highly customized course that suitable for each individual students, so they can learn as their own paced. Additionally, interaction is another important factor that impacts on the students’ performance also a high level of interaction between student to student is higher the chance of succeed in the academic performance too. Nevertheless, there is an analyzed article by Heller, R. about the pros and cons of face-to-face communication and computer-mediated communication that can be adapted in the online learning interactive study case.