- Reduce the opportunity for self-blame if the session does not go as expected.
- Have the client close his or her eyes.
- Use a tone of voice that is quiet and calm, conversational at first, and decreasing in volume as the session goes on.
- Use either tapes or a live voice. Music can provide background if desired.
- Guide the client through a basic breathing exercise (see "Exercises" section).
- Phrase all suggestions in a positive form, e.g., "Let go of your tension ," "Feel the tightness melting away," "Loosen and soften your muscles," "Allow the tension to drift away."
- Clients may experience a release of emotion as they relax, such as tears, vomiting, or faster and more shallow breathing. Gently ask if the client can put words to those feelings. Allow time for expression before continuing.
- At the completion of the session, bring the client gradually back to reality by having the client take deep breaths, move the hands and feet,and stretch if able.
- Have the client evaluate the experience.
- Engage the client's cooperation in continuing practice until the next session.