Imagine a punch like that hitting you," Joe said.
Camera was an enormous man, but Baer was much faster. All
night he had danced and dodged Camera's fists. Now, Camera was
bloody and beaten as he got to his feet, holding the rope with
one glove. Baer just laughed at the defending champion, knocking
away his weak punches easily.
"Primo Camera has been knocked down eleven times!" the
radio announcer was saying. "And Max Baer looks sure that he
will be the next champion!"
Camera moved his tired body toward his opponent for a final
attack. The challenger waited patiently with an ugly smile on his
handsome face. When Camera reached the center of the ring,
Baer decided to end the fight, throwing punch after punch at the
champion. It was so terrible that even Joe couldn't watch.
Imagine a punch like that hitting you," Joe said.Camera was an enormous man, but Baer was much faster. Allnight he had danced and dodged Camera's fists. Now, Camera wasbloody and beaten as he got to his feet, holding the rope withone glove. Baer just laughed at the defending champion, knockingaway his weak punches easily."Primo Camera has been knocked down eleven times!" theradio announcer was saying. "And Max Baer looks sure that hewill be the next champion!"Camera moved his tired body toward his opponent for a finalattack. The challenger waited patiently with an ugly smile on hishandsome face. When Camera reached the center of the ring,Baer decided to end the fight, throwing punch after punch at thechampion. It was so terrible that even Joe couldn't watch.
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