14. A dogis bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant.
a. A dogis smaller than a mouse. b. A dog isvery big.
c. A dogis the biggest. d. An elephant is bigger than a dog.
15. Sangay is Englishbut Teresa isn’t; she’s American.
a. Teresa is English. b. Sangay isn’t English.
c. Sangay isn’t American. d. Teresa andSangay aren’t English.
16. He is the oldest manin the world.
a. He is not asold as my grandfather. b. Many men are older.
c. There are noolder men anywhere. d. He’s older than some other men.
17. You can’t come without a ticket.
a. You can come if you have a ticket. b. You mustn’t go with a ticket.
c. You don’tneed a ticket to come. d. You cannot buy a ticket outside.
18. Andrea is lookingafter the children.
a. She can see the children. b. She is taking care of the children.
c. She is looking at the children. d. The children are in front of her.
19. They onlyhave one car for the family.
a. They only like cars. b. They so not like any other cars.
c. They do not have two cars. d. They have a big family.ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ ภาคเรียนที่ ๑ ปีการศึกษา ๒๕๕๖
20. What does Vonica like?
a. What are har favorite things? b. How is she?
c. Does she look like Vonica? d. Does she like Vonica?
21. Lindahas a white cat anda black cat?
a. She hasone cat. b. Linda’s cat is black and white.
c. She has two cats. d. Linda likes brown cats.
22. Hehopes togo home, but he maygo to work.
a. He’llbe athome before theoffice. b. It is possible that he will go to work.
c. He’ll allowed to goto work. d. He always goes home after work.
23. I wantyou to clean the car when you come back.
a. You want to clean it. b. We will clean it together
c. Idon’t wantyou toforget to cleanit. d. I want to clean the car.
24. She usedtosmoked cigarettes.
a. She is used tocigarettes. b. She smoked before, but she doesn’t now.
c. She usually smokes cigarettes. d. She used two cigarettes.
25. Shall I take you to the station?
a. Would youlike me to takeyou to the station?
b. Must I take you?
c. Will it be necessary totake you there?
d. DidI take youbefore?
26. They should talk more slowly.
a. Theytalk too quickly. b. They would like to talk more slowly.
c. They might have slower talk. d. Talking is not fast.
27. Mirana rememberedto phone the doctor.
a. She remembered phoning the doctor. b. Mirana forgot to remember the phone.
c. She didn’t forget to phone the doctor. d. She remembered that she phoned her.
28. Madame Traiviey has lived nearly 115 years.
a. She wasvery old. b. She is very old.
c. She died when she was nearly 115. d. Madame Traiviey has many more years