To take care of all boys and girls with all types of disabilities from birth to agd of 7years.
Disabled children who are abandoned or brought to the Home by their families
because they are having problems or their parents are incapable to raise their
own children. The children who are referred by police or related agencies
including the prisoner's children are sent here as well.
Type of disabilities......
1.Movenent or physical disabilities
2. Sight disabilities or blind
3. Hearing disabilities or deaf
4.Intellectual or learning diasbilities
5.Mental or behavioral diasbilities
6.Multiple disabilities
1.Providing basic necessities fof life
To provide services to meet basic necessities Babysitterwill take turn to care for -
babies 24 hours a day . Health care and nedical services are arranged by nurse -
throughout the day and night.
2. Physical development and rehabilithation
To rehabilitate and develop children by physical therapist. Special equipments,
orthotic and prosthesis for disabled children are provided under the supervision of doctor.
3. Developmental training and pre-school preparation
To rovide developmental training and promte their learning skills through various
activities. There are special classes in the Home,for children according to their
intellectual abilities.General education outside the Home is made available for
children with potentialities.
4.Social work and psychological service
To provide welfare protection to the children according to social work process.
Social worker organize legal documents for children ained at enabling them to live-
happily in xociety and have security life. Coordinating with related agencies to
place children in adoptive families.Give counseling and guidance to disabled person,
including psychological service by psychologist.
5.Networking with other agencies to enhance the care
Coordinating wiht network organizations in supporting administrative management and
other activities management and other activites such as donation, join the recreation
activities ,voluntary works and sharing knowledge with each other to help these -
children grow up happily wiht quality of life.