The size and morphological characterization of the synthesized
and lyophilized AgNPs were studied using scanning electron microscope
(SEM). A thin film was prepared by drop coating biologically
synthesized purified silver nanoparticles on to carbon coated copper
SEM grids. The thin film on the SEM grid was allowed to stand
for 5 min to dry prior to measurement and then the extra sample
solution was removed using a blotting paper. The SEM images
were recorded (JEOL-JEM 6390, Japan) at 40,000×
operating with 20.00 kV. Furthermore, the X-ray thin film diffraction
measurement for bio-reduced AgNPs were also carried out
in a Goniometer = PW3050/60 (Theta/Theta) using Cu k radiation
which facilitate at 40 KV and 25 ◦C. Subsequently the X-ray patterns
were obtained in the 2 range of 20–80 ◦C.