Red worms are nature's ultimate composting worm and a great pick for worm farms. Red worms go by many names. They're often called red wigglers, tiger worms, manure worms, composting worms, and the trout worms. Whatever you call them they're among the best composting worms available.
Both first time and experienced worm farmers choose the red worm for many reasons. These hardy composters are easy to care for, reproduce quickly, tolerate a wide range of temperatures, and of course can eat huge ammounts of organic waste.
So whether it is composting, raising bait worms, producing worm castings, or simply enjoying an eco friendly hobby it's hard to beat red worms when it comes to your worm farm. But before you go out and buy pounds of red worms there are some things you need to know. Our red worm facts page will tell you everything you need to know to successfully raise red worms.