At the airport, the first info counter we spoke to said we could not go to Khao San Road, as it was flooded. For a minute we held our breath – oh shit, we thought, this option was not really on our radar up to there. To be sure, we also asked the tourist info point and they told us that it was fine to go to Khao San. 35 minutes and a €10 cabfare later, we arrived at the hotel I like to stay at when in Bangkok, the Sawasdee House (47 Soi Rambuttri Chakraphong Rd.). We checked into a deluxe room for 800 Baht (€20) which comes with aircon, TV and a nice balcony that doubles as a bathroom (sounds weird, but is kind of cool). If you plan on staying here as well, I cannot recommend the fan rooms as they’re too noisy and not in the best of shape, there also is no free wifi, which is a downer and the light in the rooms is super dark, which works for a romantic setting but not for reading a book.
But back to the city. While we saw no flooding anywhere, we did however notice that all of the shops had built small floodwalls to protect themselves against potential waterflow.