They were closing the drugstore, and Alfred Higgins, who had just taken off his white jacket, was putting on his coat and getting ready to go home. The little gray haired man, Sam Carr, who owned the drugstore, was bending down behind the cash register, and when Alfred Higgins passed him, he looked upand said softly, Just a moment, Alfred. One moment before you go The soft, confident, quietway in which Sam Carr spoke made Alfred start to button his coat ncrvously He felt sure his face was white. Sam Carr usually said, "Good night," brusquely, without looking up. In the six months he had been working in the drugstore Alfred had never heard his employer speak sofuly like that Hisheartbegan to beatso loud. it was hard for him to get his breath. "What is it, Mr. Carr?" he asked. Maybe you'd be good enough to take a few things out of your pocket and leave them here before you go," Sam Carr said. "What things? What are you talking about?" "You've got a compact and a lipstick and at least two tubes of tooth- paste in your pockets, Alfred." What do you mean? Do you think I'm crazy?" Alfred blustered. His face got red and he knew he looked fierce with indignation. But Sam Carr, standing by the door with his bluc cycs shining brightly behind his glasses and his lips moving underneath his gray mustache, only nodded his head a few times, and then Alfred grew very frightened and he didn't know what to say.