The paper analyzes the sport motivation change of students before and after sport education
model by setting and implementing sport education model, which takes volleyball elective course
in university for example. Sport education volleyball season model is adopted in this paper. Ques-tionnaires were sent to respondents in experimental class before and after the experiment. Finally,
statistical analysis was performed after qualified questionnaires were collected. After sport edu-cation model experiment, students’ self-determination index was significantly higher than before
(p < 0.01). The self-determination index between freshman and sophomore, male and female stu-dents has no differences after sport education model experiment (p > 0.05). Test indicated that
freshman’ external regulation motivation was more obviously than sophomore (p < 0.05); there is
significant difference between male and female students’ identified regulation motivation (p <
0.05). Sport education volleyball season model enhances students’ intrinsic motivation of sports,
and meets students’ psychological need to inspire their participation in physical education. Sport
education model is applicable to all students. Thus, the result helps to popularize the sport educa-tion model.
Sport Education Model, College Students, Sports Motivation