Within the dozens of inner court disciples, only 10 or so flew up and the rest remained where the were. Wang Zhou hesitated for a long time and he did not meet Dao Xu’s eyes. The raised legs were put down again, and he did not follow.
The girl called Zhou hesitated for a short while but did not follow. As for the girl called Xu, seeing that Wang Zhou didn’t go, the feet that she stepped out also were put back down.
Wang Hao was already able to walk. He bitterly smiled and said to Wang Lin, “Tie Zhu bro. I’m not going anywhere but returning home with my grandfather. Don’t worry about your family, I’ll take care of them.”
Wang Lin hesitated for a bit. He had too many secrets on his body, so if he went to the Xuan Dao Sect, then there would certainly have a lot of unknown dangers. So after thinking for a while, he was going to fly up.
Just at that time, Punanzi’s eyes flickered and he stared at Wang Lin. Suddenly, he said, “Wang Lin, you stay.”