1. Thinking from the perspective of the organization as a whole, and of your specific
supervisory perspective, what are the organization’s needs and objectives, now and in the
2. What are the functions and tasks that must be accomplished in your organization’s daily
work if it is going to meet those objectives?
3. What competencies are needed among your staff to accomplish these functions and tasks?
4. What competencies does each of the individuals within your span of control possess?
5. What are the gaps between competencies needed, and the competencies now present in
your organization?
6. In what ways can you bring the required competencies that already exist to bear on the
functions and tasks that must be accomplished?
7. What competencies should each individual develop from the organization’s point of view?
From the employee’s point of view?
IDP objectives result from negotiation and mutual agreement. Supervisors act on behalf of the
organization to ensure that development or application of targeted competencies is needed by
utilizing the targeted competencies will result in greater satisfaction with their work and
enhanced potential for career progression.