Arrange Inspection
The product developer (called the producer in inspection terminology) is respon~ sible for arranging for the inspection. He or she first arranges for a moderator to lead the inspection. This person is usually the quality/process manager, or it could be any other engineer who knows how to lead an inspection. The producer works with the moderator to decide how many other engineers are needed for the inspec— tion and to arrange for their participation. The producer also handles the mechan- ics of setting up the inspection.
During this initial phase, the moderator looks over the product materials and briefly assesses their completeness, adequacy, and quality. The moderator also checks that the producer used notations and formats that provide enough precision and detail to permit a productive inspection. If the producer has not personally re- viewed the product or if the product appears to have quality problems, the moder- ator asks the producer to correct the problems before proceeding with the inspection. Examples of quality problems would be incomplete defect data, inadequate time
spent in reviews, or high levels of compile defects.