The process is very similar wi1h 1he local version in 1he Philippines wherein i1 has a very user iriendly access and bullons. Once
1yped or searched 1he produc1 lis1 of possible op1ions will be displayed.
For example you are searching lor lapiop 1he search engine will be
suggesiing il you need lap1op i7, il i1s 16 gb, dell lapiop elc. The process
itseli is very easy and I 1hink i1 has a polen1ial value. I1 would iake only
seconds lor 1he Alibaba .com 1o search lor 1he produc1 1hal you would
wan1 to see. There is also a compare bullon wherein you can compare
prices among 1he suppliers. There is also a supplier delails and some
relevan1 iniormaiion in order for you 1o inves1igale il 1he supplier is really
a valid en1i1y.The melhod oi con1ac1 is made very easy by 1he use of
lemplales and drop-down menus 1hal help 1o siandardize requesis. li
1he suppliers will respond 1o 1hese requesis in a 1imely manner, 1he
process has huge polen1ial value.