The Michaelis–Menten constants (Km) of α-amylase, trypsin and
lipase are given in Table 2. The mean activity values in each gut
portion of each enzyme in pre- and post-OTS H. r. ardelio are given in
and shown by section in Fig. 4.
Both pre- and post-OTS fishes displayed similar patterns of α-
amylase enzyme activity when expressed in terms of activity per g
tissue (Fig. 4A). Within post-OTS fish, α-amylase activity was
significantly lower in the proximal portion of the gut than in either
of the two more distal sections (F2,27= 3.99; P= 0.03). Similarly,
activity in the proximal section in pre-OTS fish was lower than in the
two more distal sections, though the difference was not significant