How did the smallpox virus infection spread most frequently?
a. Through the air
b. Through the soil
c. Through blood
d. Through feces
2. What percentage of infected people would die after smallpox virus infection?
a. 13%
b. 30%
c. 33%
d. 3%
3. What percentage of people would die after variolation?
a. 13%
b. 30%
c. 33%
d. 3%
4. What did they use in the 1700s to inoculate healthy people for variolation?
a. Pus from the utters of a cow
b. Pus from a lymphnode of an infected patient
c. Pus from scabs of an infected patient
d. Pus from the fresh sores of an infected patient
5. How intense were the clinical symptoms of cowpox as compared to smallpox in humans?
a. More intense
b. Less intense
c. Same intensity
d. We cannot compare them as they are caused by two different viruses
6. Why does a previous infection with the cowpox virus protect humans against smallpox virus infection and disease?
7. What are the organs attacked by the smallpox virus, and what are the clinical symptoms that can develop after infection?
8. Record 10 new words you want to learn in your vocabulary journal