15a. Are there any circumstances in which members of your community might think that unhealthy eating and drinking behaviours in girls aged 7-11 years should be tolerated?
Please expand.
15b. Are there any circumstances in which members of your community might think that low physical activity behaviours in girls aged 7-11 years should be tolerated?
Please expand.
16a. How does the community support programmes promoting healthy eating and drinking behaviours in girls aged 7-11 years?
16b. How does the community support the programmes promoting physical activity behaviours in girls aged 7-11 years?
17a. What are the main barriers for programmes or activities promoting healthy eating and drinking behaviours in girls aged 7-11 years in your community?
17b. What are the main barriers for programmes or activities promoting physical activity behaviours in girls aged 7-11 years in your community?
18a. Based on the answers that you have provided so far, what do you think is the overall feeling among community members regarding the encouragement of healthy eating and drinking behaviours amongst girls aged 7-11 years?
18b. Based on the answers that you have provided so far, what do you think is the overall feeling among community members regarding the encouragement of physical activity behaviours amongst girls aged 7-11 years?