-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
(Rhizome or cutting will be sent)
3 Rhizomes $4.00 Plants: Summer and fall $5.00
Rhizomes available Until last of April
Blue Rose Blue double flower, green leaves.
Glory Orange-pink, deeper orange at center. Dark green narrow.
Misera Small white, yellow throat/brown spotting. Light green.
Mexicana Large violet shade. OUT
Rosy Frost Rosy pink flowers, white throat. green leaves, trailing type.
Robert Dressler
Valse Bleu light to sky blue.
violacea Semi Plena
Yellow Beauty (lyon) Large yellow flowers. Bronzy leaves, trailing.
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Found growing in the wild in areas of China, Southeast Asia, and India. Chirita
has very unusual and attractive foliage. The veins are deep in the leaves giving
them a quilted look. Chirita leaves form a nice rosette shape, set on short stems
that are thick and one to two inches long.
Click on the link for a picture of a grown Chirita.
Tamiana Tube and lobes pure white with two purple lines along throat.
(Miniature) $6.00
sp. USBRG 98-083 Blossom Blue. $6.00
I also carry a very limited number of these so check before ordering
sp. gemella Hairy light green foliage. Forms stolens. (miniature) $6.00
Jade Moon (Boggan) Lavender-blue bloom. Medium green pointed
leaves. (miniature) $6.00
Little Dragon (Boggan) Very pale lavender. Deep green pointed foliages.
Make a perfect miniature rosette and produce stolen. (Miniature) $6.00
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Episcia ($5.00)
Has leaves similar to those on violets, but are wonderfully colored with stripes
and copper or green colored edges with white veins. Episcia makes a good
hanging basket plant as it tends to be low-growing and have trailing stems.
Episcia shoots off stolens like runners on strawberry plants.
Temperature Note: This plant does the best growing above 65° with plenty of
Click on the link to view a full grown Episcia.
Aloha Mauna Loa Orange-red flower. Blackish-green checkerboard,
pink veining, greenish center and edge.
Blue Nile (Luther) Lavender-blue, cream, yellow throat. Bright green bordered dark brown, center blade silver mid vein.
Butternut Medium green, rose and brown foliage. Red-orange flower.
Country Brillant (Blansit) Rose-red leaves. Orange red flower.
Country Kitten (Blansit) Red-orange flowers. Chocolate colored leaves,
with pink and silver veining.
Debary's Embers Tri-color flower orange, red and sometime yellow.
Emerald Isle (Wesco) Red flower. Green and brown, with deeply
white veins foliage.
Faded Jade Light green, sliver quilted foliage. Red flower.
Ice Cream Red flowers. Chocolate brown leaves/silver netting.
Jim's Canadian Sunset (Bodnar) Pink flower with spots of darker pink,
yellow throat. Misty brown leaves with silver green veining.
Jim's Golden Eagle (Bodnar) Red-orange flowers. Chocolate colored
leaves with silvery-pink veining.
Jim's Lemon Zest (Bodnar)
Jim's Porcelain Doll (Bodnar) Red Flower. Chocolate pebbled leaves
silver-green veining.
Lime Ade Orange flower. Light green, silver overlay, yellow in new growth.
My Black Beauty
Pink Panther (Luther) Large fringed pink flower, cream center, deep
pink spotting. Large copper-green leaves, sliver-green veining.
Pixie Dust Red flower. Silver leaves to darker green margin with light
pink shades overlay.
Sea Foam Light silvery green blushed rose with dark blackish brown
foliage. Red orange.
Sparkle Plenty (Nixon) Red flower.
Star of Bethlehem Pink star, on yellow lobes.
Suomi Rich black-brown/light green veining. Yellow flower. OUT
Tiger Stripe Red flower. Dark green quilted leaves with golden green
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Gloxinia was discovered in Columbia and Venzuela in 1739.
Gloxinia is so diverse in growing type it is hard to give a description
of this plant. Some Gloxinia may grow to a height of 6 inches, while
others may reach 18 inches or more. Some develop low spreading
growth making them ideal for hanging basket. Blooms vary from
tubular to bell shape.
Click on the link to see a Gloxinia
Special note: In the last couple years the Gloxinia have been rename
back what the plant family was name around 20 years ago.
Rhizomes $4.00 Plant $5.00
Rhizomes available Until last of April
Seemannia Chic Small, pouched shaped, bright red flower.
Medium green, pointed foliage. (Spreading habit)
Seemannia Pegasus
Gloxinella Lindeniaha Small lavender, bell/slipper shaped, with a
white edge. Small, ovate, dark green with pink to silver veins.
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Welcome to Sinningia Heaven
Natural habitat is the wild areas of Central and South America. The
largest plants may go dormant for 2-4 months. Water them lightly and
wait for them to re-sprout, then watch them bloom.
With the high demand for some of the sinningia hybrids we reserve
the right to limit shipping to 3 plants per order of one particular hybrid.
Due to newly sprouting tubers and limited supply of some hybrids
for the 2014 shipping season, list substitutions particularly
when ordering a high number of hybrids.
Sometime I run out of what is potting up if a tuber is available
work write on order "Tuber ok".
Please be aware that some of the micro varieties have tubers,
but the crowns might be very small.
Work on getting the sinningia list going for 2014.
Micro-miniature Sinningia
Bright Eyes (Clayberg) Purple slightly darker at edge of throat. Out
Carefree's Regina (Bull) Reddish-purple flowers, heavy spots in throat/
white lower petals. Dark Green. $8.00 (Out for 2014)
Freckles (Clayberg) Purple/white spotted throat. $7.00
Hircon (Nixon) Lilac/purple spot in throat, paler yellow underside.
(plant is like freckles but larger in all parts) $7.00
Li'l Georgie $8.00 OUT for a while
Little Tiger White, tiny purple spotted throat. $7.00 out for 2014
Little Wood Nymph Upper two lobes dark purple, lower three lobes
white light purple edging/light purple spotted throat. $7.00
out of 2014
Mighty Mouse (Boggan) Lavender flower. $7.00 (out for 2014)
Poupee (Nixon) Medium lavender flower. $7.00 OUT for 2014
Razzmatazz (Shinomura) Upper two lobes purple, lower three lobes
white with large purple spots. $8.00 (OUT for 2014)
Snowflake White flower, fringed lobes. $8.00 (Out complete for 2014)
Speckles Pastel version of freckles. $7.00 OUT
sp. concinna (Nichols) Light to dark lilac/purple spotted throat.
$8.00 (out as of 02-09-14)
sp. muscicola Light to dark lilac, white flower. Tiny stripe pointed Very
edges leaves with red back. $7.00 (Rename sp. Rio das Pedras) small
sp. pusilla $7.00
sp pusilla (Itaoca) $7.00 OUT
Star Eyes (Belanger)Light lavender frilled edge, white in throat. $8.00
(out for 2014)
Treva McDaniel (Henry) Purple and white/smaller spots. $8.00 Out
White Sprite White Flower. $8.00 Out 2014
Miniature Sinningia
Alexandra (Belisle) Rose-red/variable white center, dark red spots.
Out for 2014 $7.00
Amizade White/purple upper two lobes, darker purple in throat. $6.50
Apollo (Schwarz) Large blush pink, darker pink throat. $6.50 (OUT)
Black Light (Schwarz) Unusual reddish violet, lavender type/white
creamy throat. $6.50 Out for 2014
Charm Light pink with purple pinwheel star. (A pinwheel type bloom).
$9.00 (Out for 2014) out as of 02-09-14
Cherry Sprite $7.00
Chippewa Merry Martha (Belisle) Upper two lobes purple/light
wide lavender edge, lower lobes darker purple, fuchsia throat. $6.00
Cindy (Talpey) Upper two lobes purple, white underneath
with purple dots. $6.50
Cindy-ella (Nixon) Upper two lobes purple, lower lobes white/purple
stripes and spots throat. $6.50
Country Bumpkin (Belisle) Upper two lobes purple, lower lobes white
purple dots (or) white blossom/purple dots coming yellow throat. $6.50
(this plant have two different blossom on same plant)
Country Crocus (Belisle) Purple/lavender, white throat, purple spots.
Country Garden (Belisle) Light purple, large cream throat
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
(Rhizome or cutting will be sent)
3 Rhizomes $4.00 Plants: Summer and fall $5.00
Rhizomes available Until last of April
Blue Rose Blue double flower, green leaves.
Glory Orange-pink, deeper orange at center. Dark green narrow.
Misera Small white, yellow throat/brown spotting. Light green.
Mexicana Large violet shade. OUT
Rosy Frost Rosy pink flowers, white throat. green leaves, trailing type.
Robert Dressler
Valse Bleu light to sky blue.
violacea Semi Plena
Yellow Beauty (lyon) Large yellow flowers. Bronzy leaves, trailing.
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Found growing in the wild in areas of China, Southeast Asia, and India. Chirita
has very unusual and attractive foliage. The veins are deep in the leaves giving
them a quilted look. Chirita leaves form a nice rosette shape, set on short stems
that are thick and one to two inches long.
Click on the link for a picture of a grown Chirita.
Tamiana Tube and lobes pure white with two purple lines along throat.
(Miniature) $6.00
sp. USBRG 98-083 Blossom Blue. $6.00
I also carry a very limited number of these so check before ordering
sp. gemella Hairy light green foliage. Forms stolens. (miniature) $6.00
Jade Moon (Boggan) Lavender-blue bloom. Medium green pointed
leaves. (miniature) $6.00
Little Dragon (Boggan) Very pale lavender. Deep green pointed foliages.
Make a perfect miniature rosette and produce stolen. (Miniature) $6.00
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Episcia ($5.00)
Has leaves similar to those on violets, but are wonderfully colored with stripes
and copper or green colored edges with white veins. Episcia makes a good
hanging basket plant as it tends to be low-growing and have trailing stems.
Episcia shoots off stolens like runners on strawberry plants.
Temperature Note: This plant does the best growing above 65° with plenty of
Click on the link to view a full grown Episcia.
Aloha Mauna Loa Orange-red flower. Blackish-green checkerboard,
pink veining, greenish center and edge.
Blue Nile (Luther) Lavender-blue, cream, yellow throat. Bright green bordered dark brown, center blade silver mid vein.
Butternut Medium green, rose and brown foliage. Red-orange flower.
Country Brillant (Blansit) Rose-red leaves. Orange red flower.
Country Kitten (Blansit) Red-orange flowers. Chocolate colored leaves,
with pink and silver veining.
Debary's Embers Tri-color flower orange, red and sometime yellow.
Emerald Isle (Wesco) Red flower. Green and brown, with deeply
white veins foliage.
Faded Jade Light green, sliver quilted foliage. Red flower.
Ice Cream Red flowers. Chocolate brown leaves/silver netting.
Jim's Canadian Sunset (Bodnar) Pink flower with spots of darker pink,
yellow throat. Misty brown leaves with silver green veining.
Jim's Golden Eagle (Bodnar) Red-orange flowers. Chocolate colored
leaves with silvery-pink veining.
Jim's Lemon Zest (Bodnar)
Jim's Porcelain Doll (Bodnar) Red Flower. Chocolate pebbled leaves
silver-green veining.
Lime Ade Orange flower. Light green, silver overlay, yellow in new growth.
My Black Beauty
Pink Panther (Luther) Large fringed pink flower, cream center, deep
pink spotting. Large copper-green leaves, sliver-green veining.
Pixie Dust Red flower. Silver leaves to darker green margin with light
pink shades overlay.
Sea Foam Light silvery green blushed rose with dark blackish brown
foliage. Red orange.
Sparkle Plenty (Nixon) Red flower.
Star of Bethlehem Pink star, on yellow lobes.
Suomi Rich black-brown/light green veining. Yellow flower. OUT
Tiger Stripe Red flower. Dark green quilted leaves with golden green
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Gloxinia was discovered in Columbia and Venzuela in 1739.
Gloxinia is so diverse in growing type it is hard to give a description
of this plant. Some Gloxinia may grow to a height of 6 inches, while
others may reach 18 inches or more. Some develop low spreading
growth making them ideal for hanging basket. Blooms vary from
tubular to bell shape.
Click on the link to see a Gloxinia
Special note: In the last couple years the Gloxinia have been rename
back what the plant family was name around 20 years ago.
Rhizomes $4.00 Plant $5.00
Rhizomes available Until last of April
Seemannia Chic Small, pouched shaped, bright red flower.
Medium green, pointed foliage. (Spreading habit)
Seemannia Pegasus
Gloxinella Lindeniaha Small lavender, bell/slipper shaped, with a
white edge. Small, ovate, dark green with pink to silver veins.
-Achimenes- -Chirita- -Episcia-
-Gloxinia- -Sinningia-
-Misc. Gesneriads- -xAchimenantha-
Welcome to Sinningia Heaven
Natural habitat is the wild areas of Central and South America. The
largest plants may go dormant for 2-4 months. Water them lightly and
wait for them to re-sprout, then watch them bloom.
With the high demand for some of the sinningia hybrids we reserve
the right to limit shipping to 3 plants per order of one particular hybrid.
Due to newly sprouting tubers and limited supply of some hybrids
for the 2014 shipping season, list substitutions particularly
when ordering a high number of hybrids.
Sometime I run out of what is potting up if a tuber is available
work write on order "Tuber ok".
Please be aware that some of the micro varieties have tubers,
but the crowns might be very small.
Work on getting the sinningia list going for 2014.
Micro-miniature Sinningia
Bright Eyes (Clayberg) Purple slightly darker at edge of throat. Out
Carefree's Regina (Bull) Reddish-purple flowers, heavy spots in throat/
white lower petals. Dark Green. $8.00 (Out for 2014)
Freckles (Clayberg) Purple/white spotted throat. $7.00
Hircon (Nixon) Lilac/purple spot in throat, paler yellow underside.
(plant is like freckles but larger in all parts) $7.00
Li'l Georgie $8.00 OUT for a while
Little Tiger White, tiny purple spotted throat. $7.00 out for 2014
Little Wood Nymph Upper two lobes dark purple, lower three lobes
white light purple edging/light purple spotted throat. $7.00
out of 2014
Mighty Mouse (Boggan) Lavender flower. $7.00 (out for 2014)
Poupee (Nixon) Medium lavender flower. $7.00 OUT for 2014
Razzmatazz (Shinomura) Upper two lobes purple, lower three lobes
white with large purple spots. $8.00 (OUT for 2014)
Snowflake White flower, fringed lobes. $8.00 (Out complete for 2014)
Speckles Pastel version of freckles. $7.00 OUT
sp. concinna (Nichols) Light to dark lilac/purple spotted throat.
$8.00 (out as of 02-09-14)
sp. muscicola Light to dark lilac, white flower. Tiny stripe pointed Very
edges leaves with red back. $7.00 (Rename sp. Rio das Pedras) small
sp. pusilla $7.00
sp pusilla (Itaoca) $7.00 OUT
Star Eyes (Belanger)Light lavender frilled edge, white in throat. $8.00
(out for 2014)
Treva McDaniel (Henry) Purple and white/smaller spots. $8.00 Out
White Sprite White Flower. $8.00 Out 2014
Miniature Sinningia
Alexandra (Belisle) Rose-red/variable white center, dark red spots.
Out for 2014 $7.00
Amizade White/purple upper two lobes, darker purple in throat. $6.50
Apollo (Schwarz) Large blush pink, darker pink throat. $6.50 (OUT)
Black Light (Schwarz) Unusual reddish violet, lavender type/white
creamy throat. $6.50 Out for 2014
Charm Light pink with purple pinwheel star. (A pinwheel type bloom).
$9.00 (Out for 2014) out as of 02-09-14
Cherry Sprite $7.00
Chippewa Merry Martha (Belisle) Upper two lobes purple/light
wide lavender edge, lower lobes darker purple, fuchsia throat. $6.00
Cindy (Talpey) Upper two lobes purple, white underneath
with purple dots. $6.50
Cindy-ella (Nixon) Upper two lobes purple, lower lobes white/purple
stripes and spots throat. $6.50
Country Bumpkin (Belisle) Upper two lobes purple, lower lobes white
purple dots (or) white blossom/purple dots coming yellow throat. $6.50
(this plant have two different blossom on same plant)
Country Crocus (Belisle) Purple/lavender, white throat, purple spots.
Country Garden (Belisle) Light purple, large cream throat
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