With the recent creation of the Australian Health Practitioner
Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and move to national
registration for nurses and other health professionals
in Australia, it is timely to reconsider the concept
of what can be defined as nursing practice, what is advanced
nursing practice, and how advanced nursing practice
hours can be calculated. Nurse practitioner (NP) endorsement
in Australia requires candidates to meet the
required hours of both practice and advanced practice.
The following article examines the new national nursing
and midwifery regulatory authority, the Nursing and
Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Standards, their
supporting literature, our peak professional bodies’ stance
on these issues, as well as state and national input into
how these concepts are operationalized. This article will
also present the arguments for the need to create a means
of exact enumeration of advanced nursing practice hours
if, in fact, such hours are to be continued to be used
as part of NP endorsement. It should also be noted that
this article is written in the context of a rapidly changing
regulatory environment impacting on Australian nursing,
and so grounds the debate at the point at which the article
was written. It outlines concrete means of moving the
current debate forward.
With the recent creation of the Australian Health Practitioner
Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and move to national
registration for nurses and other health professionals
in Australia, it is timely to reconsider the concept
of what can be defined as nursing practice, what is advanced
nursing practice, and how advanced nursing practice
hours can be calculated. Nurse practitioner (NP) endorsement
in Australia requires candidates to meet the
required hours of both practice and advanced practice.
The following article examines the new national nursing
and midwifery regulatory authority, the Nursing and
Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Standards, their
supporting literature, our peak professional bodies’ stance
on these issues, as well as state and national input into
how these concepts are operationalized. This article will
also present the arguments for the need to create a means
of exact enumeration of advanced nursing practice hours
if, in fact, such hours are to be continued to be used
as part of NP endorsement. It should also be noted that
this article is written in the context of a rapidly changing
regulatory environment impacting on Australian nursing,
and so grounds the debate at the point at which the article
was written. It outlines concrete means of moving the
current debate forward.
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