I wanted to thank you and your staff for making our stay and conference to a great experience again. We had a board meeting the other day and evaluated everything and they are very content with what we have at the Tide. So much so, that we already now will be back in 2016. According to our plan we will be in February from the 22nd – 27th. Arrive on the Monday and departure og Saturday. Most likely I will be there a few days ahead as last time. We ca pretty much copy everything from last time. Food, venue and everything will be following the same as we did in November. Most likely it will be the same amount of people except for the extra Chinese that came last time. We did not know about them until they came. That was due to the Chinese main leader that came last time. We still hope our group will be slightly larger, but most likely about the same.
I hope this will be considered our first signal about returning to the Tide for 2016